Help your Parish to obtain a refund of tax related to your annual donations
Background Did you know that tax relief in respect of donations to this parish made on or after 1 January 2013 by individuals (whether self-assessed or PAYE-only taxpayers) is allowed to the parish rather than to the donor?
A donation which satisfies the conditions of section 848A TCA 1997 is grossed up at the specified rate (currently 31%) and the parish is deemed for the purposes of the relief to have received the grossed up amount net of tax deducted at the specified rate. For example, a person makes a cash donation of €300 to the parish in the tax year 2013. Under the tax relief scheme the parish is deemed to have received a donation of €434.78 (i.e. €300 grossed up at 31%) less tax deducted of €134.78. On the assumption that the person has paid income tax for 2013 of at least €134.78, the parish can obtain a refund of that amount from Revenue after the end of the tax year 2013. All of the weekly envelope collections are eligible in Calculating your annual donation.
How is tax relief claimed If you donate in excess of €250 annually you should complete an Enduring Certificate if you wish to allow the parish to claim tax relief in respect of donations you make to the parish during the lifetime of the certificate. An Enduring Certificate is valid for a period of 5 years, unless you cancel it before the end of that period. You should complete this form only in respect of donations for 2013 and subsequent years. Alternatively you may complete an annual certificate which is for a one year period only.
The form requires the parishioner to provide his or her PPS number and to sign the certificate.
If you require any assistance with completing the form please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.