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Welcome to the new Ministers of the Eucharist

The ministry of distributing Communion is a very special ministry in the Parish. We are very grateful to those who have exercised this ministry over the years and would like to welcome the new Ministers. Thanks to our co-ordinator Eilish Finnegan for all her work and advice.

Catholics believe that through active participation in the Mass and in a special way, through the reception of Holy Communion at Mass, they are filled with the real presence of Christ and are sent to be Christ present in the world.


General Guidelines for Eucharistic Ministers

The priest or deacon gives Holy Communion to the Ministers. After receiving Communion from the Priest the Minister is given the sacred vessel. Once a Minister is given their vessel please proceed to your Communion station.

Please do not leave your station until you have completed distributing Communion.

Please return to the tabernacle and wait the return of your fellow Ministers.

Bringing Communion to the sick.

By bringing Communion to the sick and housebound we share with them the Church’s ministry to the sick, after the manner of Christ himself. It is a sign of support and concern for the sick. Do not carry the host in an unsuitable container. Use a pyx to carry the consecrated host. Do not leave the consecrated host if the person cannot receive it. Instead return at another time when the person can consume the Host.